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Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 7:40pm

Lieutenant Katya Davi

Name Katya Davi

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 5"
Weight 135
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Katya is on the curvy side. She has never managed "skinny," although she tried for a while as a teenager. Now, she has grown to appreciate a little extra "padding."

She prefers wearing coveralls as they have more pockets and thus more places to carry things she might need.

Off duty, she will often wear soft fabrics because she likes the way they feel. She likes dark gem colors, loose blouses and vests that lace up. Sometimes, she thinks she should have been born a gypsy.


Father Apu Davi
Mother Rona Tris
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Katya is often quiet, especially while she works. Silence allows her to think. It also allows her to listen to what is going on around her. While on duty, she can listen to the ship's engines, the various power conduits, junctions, and relays and hear when they are not performing properly. At least if there is an audible tone and frequency.

She is generally happy and smiles frequently. Like many of her people, she is inherently honest and cares about others.

She is more studious than many and so does not seek out parties or loud gatherings. She much prefers to be with friends or to spend a quiet evening reading or working on her music.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Intelligent, considerate, a good listener. She cares about people and genuinely wants to help, if she can.
Inherently curious. Always looking for ways to learn.
Cheerful and friendly, a team player.

In large groups will tend to be an outsider.
Stubborn, especially if she believes she is right.
Will bend the rules if for the "greater good."
Prefers reading to socializing.
Ambitions Her ambitions are simple. She wants to work hard, be proud of her accomplishments, and one day raise a family. If she can do all at the same time, all the better!
Hobbies & Interests Katya makes and plays the lute, flute and fiddle. She is a woodcarver. In addition to her instruments, she carves figures out of wood.

She loves folk music and folk dancing. Old Earth cultures fascinate her and she fancies herself a bit of a gypsy.

She likes to cook and read. She also enjoys camping and hiking. Often she will combine her hobbies and read or carve in front of a campfire.

She loves to learn about other cultures and people and is fascinated with their history, music and literature.

She is fascinated with various communications devices, especially archaic ones, and will often tinker with ways to blend old and new methods of communication.

She loves to sing and has had some professional training, although she does not give it the time it would require to sing as more than a hobby.

Personal History Katya's family fled Betazed at the beginning of the Dominion War. They settled on a small planet called Catalan, where she learned to carve wood and play a variety of musical instruments.

Her father started a small business where he made and sold musical instruments and wooden figurines. Her mother tended an herb garden and acted as midwife to many of the women in the village.

Most of the inhabitants of the colony were humanoid and non-telepathic, so when she grew into her telepathic and empathic abilities, she learned how to push the thoughts and emotions of others into the background and to block her own thoughts from others so she wouldn't accidentally influence someone else.

Although she can read thoughts and emotions if she chooses, she prefers to keep to surface -- or public -- thoughts and emotions.

She is adept at appearing like she hears nothing. However, strong thoughts or emotions will jump out like a verbal shout. And, if she chooses, she can lower her mental shields to let the noise in.

Katya spent much of her time alone or with a small group of friends. She worked on her woodcarving and her musical abilities, took long walks in the woods, and read voraciously.

At first, she thought she'd become a professional woodcarver, but stories of space travel and other worlds soon drew her to leave home and study about other cultures.

She went to Earth, the center of the Federation, where she could learn history and communications. That led to studying computers and electronics. Because of her musical ability and her keen ear, Katya found she had a knack for recognizing changes in tone and pitch in a variety of devices and thus could more easily identify and repair the problems.

While in graduate school at Cal Tech, her adviser suggested she try Starfleet, where she would be able to continue learning about other cultures and put her knack for repairing things to practical use.

Graduated from MIT with a BS in history, computer science, and engineering.
Graduated from Cal Tech with an MS in transporter technology and communications.

She could have gone straight to OCS, but she knew there were things she could learn in Starfleet beyond her university education, and this was an opportunity for studying another field, so she applied, passing the entrance exam the first time. However, she had to wait a year to enter Starfleet Academy. She used the time to finish her graduate work in electronics and communications.

Her first year of the Academy was waived due to her degrees. She had to study for and pass several tests about Starfleet before she began her classes. She fell in love with Operations and Science, focusing on science since she already knew a lot about operations. Until her senior year, when she decided to stick with operations as her primary and science as her secondary field of study. Operations was still her passion and it gave her a chance to do more of the things she loved best. She still values the history she studied in the Academy and will occasionally be found reading a book about a culture or historic figure.
Service Record Tested out of her first year of Starfleet Academy due to her college degrees.
Graduated the Academy as an Operations Officer with secondary training as a science officer focusing on history and anthropology.
Served as Operations Officer on the USS Hyperion.
Served as Communications Officer on the USS Zephyr.
Served as Assistant Chief Operations Officer on the USS Cousteau.
Serves as Chief Operations Officer on the USS Valiant.

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