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Forward through a broken mirror

Posted on Wed Feb 19th, 2020 @ 3:23pm by Lieutenant Tavana Kolan, Daughter of Kretorg

370 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Aftermath and Downtime
Location: Tavana's quaters on the Starbase
Timeline: Just before meeting the Admiral post

Meticulously, slowly Tavana donned her uniform, her jaw set in resolve. If she concentrated on the activity, then the heavy pressure of emotion on her chest wouldn't overwhelm her. Or so she thought. Tears suddenly just ran rivers over her cheeks. The tension in her erupted in a sudden jerk of her hand, pulling the collar she had been struggling with, skew again. Her fist slammed into the mirror in front of her, shattering it. "Qu'vatlh toDSaH SoH! [#*@! you idiot!]

She had only another five minutes before she needed to leave for a meeting with Admiral Leyhei and Commander O'Donnaghue, Captain of the USS Valiant. From the message she gathered she would be assigned to the Valiant for a mission, but she had no idea what the mission involved. Now she had to attempt to calm herself before the meeting.

What did Ayren use to say? "Breathe Tavana, breathe.... in through the nose, out through the mouth...." Her melodious voice was so clear in Tavana's memory, she could just as well have stood right next to her. It didn't help, because now she missed her and the rest of her crew even more. A few Klingon swear words tumbled from her mouth again. For the past few weeks Tavi had not cried, in fact she was starting to feel better. "Why the hell now!?" she chided herself. With a monumental effort she managed to carry on with the breathing exercise, and by forcing herself to focus on it she felt herself starting to calm down.

Now she had to fix the stupid collar in the broken mirror. Fortunately she had a Klingon side, who could oscillate between emotional responses surprisingly rapidly. She chuckled at the irony that the same source that caused her to break the mirror, now allowed her to laugh at her own stupidity. Her fingers fiddled at her neck, working the fabric. "Of course, I had to break the mirror so I can fix my collar,' she said straight faced, as if she came to a Vulcan-like logical conclusion.

With that she made her way to meeting the Admiral and the CO of the USS Valiant.


Lt Tavana Kolan, daughter of Kretorg
USS Valiant


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