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Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2019 @ 10:13am by Commander Daynah Ral & Commander Natan O'Donnaghue

904 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: The Tuscan Cafe - Obsidian Command Promenade
Timeline: MD001 1130 hrs


Daynah had been dropped off at Obsidian Command by the USS Sutherland. It had been quite the journey from the Apollo. She learned that her new assignment the USS Valiant was not ready for crew as of yet. Daynah decided that she would take in the sites of the promenade. There was a cute cafe playing some soft jazz music that caught her ear and eye. It was the part of her that was Rodan that really wanted to go. For the moment she was happy to oblige. She sat down at a table and ordered a latte as she looked around at the passersby.

Natan had a nice drink with Curt and was now with PaDD in hand heading towards the docking bay. They were doing the finishing up work on it now, and once that was done it was ready to take on crew. But he wanted to take a first peak at his first command. He had left his wife in their temporary quarters and was now walking over the promenade. He walked past the Tuscan Cafe. He was debating if he would go in, the music was quite appealing. As he wasn't needed at the dockingbay for another 4 hours he walked in to the cafe and took in the music.

People never realized that within the head of a joined Trill multiple voices spoke. It was possibly the closest thing to being a Borg drone without being a Borg drone. At the moment the two voices that spoke loudest were Rodan's who was lamenting about the beauty an emotion in the music that was playing, and Alaryc's voice who brought Daynah's attention to the Commander that just walked in. It was her new commanding officer and Alaryc wanted to invite him over. Daynah smiled and spoke softly sorry Rodan. "Commander O'Donnaghue come join me." She stood as she spoke, smiling warmly and invitingly.

Natan looked blinking at Daynah. "Thank you, commander. Don't mind if I do." He sat down. "Have we met?"He asked as he looked her up and down. He then noticed the presence of the Symbiont. "Ral?" He questioned. "It has been a long time. This new host suits you." He said smiling.

Daynah smiled as she patted her stomach. "It is I and I remember the young fresh faced Ensign who walked onto Alaryc's ship. Quite the path you have carved for yourself. USS Valiant huh, Defiant Class quite the ship, for quite the man." She sat down and sipped her coffee.

"Oh stop it, Ral, you'll make me blush," Natan grinned. "And what about yourself. I heard you have been around yourself. And here you are, back in Starfleet." He ordered himself a drink. "so what brings you to this corner of the quadrant?"

Daynah smirked at the question either Natan was playing coy, or he had not had the chance to look at his crew manifest. "Well Commander I believe role reversal is why I am here. You walked onto Alaryc's ship as a fresh faced Ensign. Now I must walk onto your ship to serve. I am your Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Commander Daynah Ral reporting as ordered." She gave a small salute as a joke. "I am surprised you did not know, Alaryc taught you better." Daynah smiled and laughed.

Natan kept smiling. "Well, I only just learned which ship they pulled out of the mothballs for me," he said. "Apparently my crew have been informed before I have." He took a deep breath. "But I do know one thing, it seems my wife has arrived at the station."

Daynah's jaw dropped. "You got married, if I recall correctly you were put on report more than once for your run ins with the ladies. I cannot wait to meet the woman who tamed you." She laughed as she switched topics for a moment. "It is rather exciting. Taking a Defiant Class out exploring, who would have thought."

Natan was silent a moment. "I would love for you to meet my Bella, you will be working with her. She is going to be my chief intelligence officer. More like chief spy for my brother in law." He grinned, it was a joke of course, Craig had no need to keep an eye on him. "So tell me Ral, any children for you?"

"No, no, no... None for me thanks at least not yet. I just haven't met mister right. I think my brother over on the Pioneer will finally make my parents grandparents but who knows. Perhaps the time has come for role reversal." She smiled softly, although she was having a hard time suppressing Alaryc at the moment. She could not help but feel protective of Natan. As if he were still an Ensign serving under Ral's command. Feelings like this have been popping up ever since Starfleet had unlocked all of Alaryc's memories.

'Fair enough," He said. And when it finally does happen, I hope I be there to witness it." He looked around the place. "Now let's get a drink. All this talking makes me thirsty."

"Sure and then with your permission Captain we can go see her for ourselves." Daynah replied.

Natan called a waiter and then looked to Daynah again. "I can't wait to see her." He said.

Commander Natan O'Donnaghue
Commanding Officer
USS Valiant

Lieutenant Commander Daynah Ral
Chief Science Officer/Second Officer
USS Valiant


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