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Getting aligned

Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2020 @ 1:36am by Lieutenant JG T'Pel & Lieutenant Day Smith

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Aftermath and Downtime
Location: Computer core, Deck 2, USS Valiant

After the whole draining social exercise of the party, Day had needed a good long rest. Now that it was the next morning she'd have to get things done promptly with the entire department. The Ambassador was joining them on the ship and not everything was arranged yet. That's why she had called on the Assistant Chief of Ops to join her here, for lack of an officer Day usually choose the computer core as her private conversation location. And sometimes also to get away from all the close quarters encounters with her colleagues.

T'Pel's arrival to the Valiant was with little difficulty from Starbase 1. She had spent several weeks on her transport ship to the Valiant and during that time, she took it upon herself to memorize the crew complement, ship status and layouts, along with the past mission logs. After settling into her cabin, T'Pel received a communique from her new superior officer to report for duty.

T'Pel entered the turbolift across from her cabin, "Deck 2," she instructed it as the Vulcan woman clasped her hands behind her back. At the arrival of Deck 2, she made her way to the computer core and entered, "Lieutenant T'Pel reports as ordered, sir," she said, "May I be of assistance?"

Day took a moment, having expected someone else. The moment of disharmony in her mind resolved itself rather quickly, "You must be my new assistant Chief." Seeing as she was facing a Vulcan she lifted her hand in the traditional Vulcan salute, "welcome aboard, Lieutenant."

T'Pel greeted the familiar salute with a raised eyebrow at first. It was rare and usually performed clumsily by other species, but Day's attempt was satisfactory. She raised her hand in return, "Thank you, Lieutenant," she replied and then came closer to the consoles, "What is my assignment?" she asked simply looking to Day with as much curiosity as a Vulcan let on.

"We have an ambassadorial envoy as guests during this assignment. We need to make sure that we cater to their requirements," Day called up the specific data file that was shared with them by the ambassador's aide, "if they are within reason of course." She turned to T'Pel again, "I would ask you to go through these requests, prioritise and delegate them accordingly."

T'Pel looked at the specifications that were relayed on the console and gave a nod of her head, "Given the classification and size of our ship, we will have to modify certain aspects such as accommodations and workspace," she commented, "I would suggest equipping the mess hall with the needed modifications for the Ambassador's use and run adjacent quarters here and here," she brought up the quarters she spoke of on the console, "And form a larger suite for personal use." She added and then downloaded the rest of the requests to a PADD. "I will begin prioritization immediately," she spoke and moved to a nearby console to begin her activity.

"Thank you." Day was pleased with the fact that she had someone in the department that liked rationality and logic as much as she did. It would surely make for productive cooperation, "I spent some time with a Vulcan master of meditation during my rehabilitation." She wasn't usually one for small talk, and she knew Vulcans weren't much into it either, but she couldn't remember the last time she met a Vulcan that she didn't find pleasant to converse with.

T'Pel did not take her eyes off her console or her PADD as she began her duties. She worked through several variables as the Lieutenant offered her comment, "Vulcans are generally sought-after to assist those who have suffered traumatic experiences. Logic can bring order to chaos as my people have learned over the millennia," she responded politely, "I am certain that during your rehabilitation, several Vulcan experts were called upon to assist you and others who were disconnected from the Collective," she spoke as she tapped away on the console, "Borg while destructive, maintain sophisticated capabilities. To most Vulcans, their hive mind is intriguing, if ultimately flawed and intrusive."

Thinking back to the hive mind Day had to once more admit to herself that it was super weird just to have her own voice inside her head. There weren't any solid memories of her time in the collective, and even for those vague recollections she did maintain it was unclear if she herself went through it or if it was another drone. There was one thing that lingered though, the feeling of being connected to millions of others, working with a singular purpose. None of that really mattered anymore, of course, now that she had been separated, "If you are ever looking for someone to share the experience of meditation with, just know that I am well versed in the techniques," She left that hanging in the air for a moment before adding, "if there is anything else you need from me, please do not hesitate to let me know."

T'Pel was silent for several long moments. Some would call it uncomfortable awkward silence as she tapped away at her console. She finally stood tucking her PADD behind her back with her clasped hands, "While I find your offer at this early juncture of our professional relationship possibly too familiar. I am told most humanoids believe that first impressions are often correct. When our duties permit, I will be intrigued to see how well versed you are." She said and extended her PADD to Day, "My preliminary prioritization. With your agreement, I can begin the assigning of assets as quickly as possible."

Day made a mental note of it, apparently meditation was too intimate a subject for first meetings, especially with junior officers. She glanced over the PADD and was impressed by the level of detail already taken into account by the Assistant, "I agree with your assessment" She pushed her thumbprint on the appropriate part of the PADD to sign off on it and handed it back to the Vulcan, "Let me know if you need anything."

T'Pel gave a nod of her head and took back the PADD, "With your permission, Lieutenant," T'Pel excused herself and exited the computer core to begin delegating assignments out to the Operations staff.



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