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Nothing like a furry face

Posted on Thu Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 7:51pm by Lieutenant JG Mishka Ru'fallo & Ensign Lisa Creed

507 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Diplomacy by any means necessary.
Location: USS Valiant - Main Bridge
Timeline: MD001 11:00 hrs

Mishka made her way through the rather cramped corridors of the USS Valiant, heading for the main bridge to check in with Lieutenant, JG Lisa Creed. She'd surprisingly met the ship's executive officer serving as Deck officer at Valiant's docking area. He'd tossed her travel bag to a rating and told her to check in with the Security Chief.

Treading through the corridors while staying out of people's way proved to be a trick as the starship was abustle with yard birds and crew alike making final preparations for Valiant's pending departure.

Finally threading her way to the bridge, she halted outside and looked within. Most of the stations were manned and her eyes sought and found the most likely candidate to be Lt. JG Creed. Focusing on a blonde haired younger human, the Bear steeled herself and then slowly walked into the starships command center.

Pausing an arm's length away, she spoke "Excuse me, Lieutenant Creed? I'm Mishka Ruffalo. I've been assigned to Valiant's tactical unit."

Lisa had been going through the procedures of testing her new console for the last hour or so when she heard someone call her name, she responded as she turned around, "Yes I am and nice to meet you Mishka," as she looked at the officer in front of her, she asked, "Tell me something about yourself and why you joined Starfleet?" as she wanted to get to know this officer.

Cocking her head slightly, the bear replied, "I joined StarFleet initially to pursue an engineering career but felt drawn to security due to a naturally protective nature. My abilities with systems made me take the tactical branch, graduating in ninety three." She paused thoughtfully before continuing, "I like to think of myself as being a good, smart officer. In my own time, if that matters, I've studied some interpretive dance and enjoy a good holo-mystery."

"What about yourself, ma'am?" the bear queried carefully. "And how's Valiant to serve on . I know she hasn't been re-comissioned long."

"I would not know Mishka," replied Lisa as she looked back at the bear, she continued, " I myself have not been here long enough to know," as this was good for her talking with other crew members of the Valiant as she continued her check list, she finished," However; I do hope you enjoy your time with us Lieutenant," as she wanted to get this consle done and dusted and make her report on the work.

Clearly dismissed, the bear stood assessing her new boss, not quite sure what to make of the conversation. Did Cross mean she didn't know what made her join StarFleet or didn't want to talk about it. Finally, she shrugged and said belatedly, "Aye aye, ma'am." Mishra's eyes lingered on the console then, but she turned and made her way from the bridge. She decided she'd have to check the logs and see what the Valiant's Chief of Security had been working on and do her own assessment.


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