Posted on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 12:22am by Chief Petty Officer Biv Th'shrolneq & Lieutenant Day Smith
1,480 words; about a 7 minute read
Diplomacy by any means necessary.
Location: Transporter Room 2; USS Valiant
Timeline: MD 3 14:25
Biv was ambivalent. He liked his job well enough and was good at it. Being waist deep in the guts of Valiant's number two transporter pad, conducting a level one diagnostic. The pad's systems had been replaced and updated less than six months ago and the systems were all operating within specifications, but...
Biv didn't know who had wrote the specs. Nor the engineers that built them, nor the yard birds that had installed them. So, he and his pair of techs would spend this week tearing this pad apart. Then next week, padd one. Then on to the emergency and cargo transporters...
It was tedious work, but necessary.
At least as far as he was concerned....
"How are things coming along, Chief?" Day had taken it upon herself to do a round of 'casual' check ins with the people in her department after a conversation with Ainsley. Apparently it was important to engage with the crew of the department even if there wasn't a necessity to check in with them.
Biv bristled as he heard the Lieutenant, but covered it as he continued to work. "Well enough, Lieutenant. Well enough. We should get all of the diagnostics done on schedule. Barring interruptions, of course."
"Let's hope there will not be too many of those," Day remarked, she looked at the schedule and saw that there was just a top level diagnostic ordered for the transporter PADD the transporter Chief was working on, "it seems like you are doing a more extensive diagnostic than was required." She looked up from her personal data device, hoping that the Chief would give her an explanation.
Biv had bent back to his work and sighed audibly, and said,"Yes ma'am. Nothing gets by you." When she didn't go away after a few beats, he took another component out, scanned it and set it on a numbered template before him. "There are lot of new components mixed in to Valiant's and I wasn't the one who installed them. Now that we're done with yard time, I like to pull everything apart and get a look at things, make sure some yard tech wasn't looking to knock off early and missed replacing something else...or got distracted."
"Are you in a regular habit of retracing the steps done by other Starfleet personnel?" Day wondered out loud, not quite realising how passive-aggressive that statement might sound to someone in Biv's position.
"Almost always...sir," Biv responded. "I'm responsible for all this. And if I or someone I don't trust," his eyes flicked to meet her's pointedly, "Well...I would rather be sure than not," his eyes moved away after moments.
Day's eyebrow raised up in a questioning look, "I do not see how that is an efficient use of your time, resources and qualifications, Chief." She looked at the components that he had taken out already, knowing that her argument was probably slowing him down and the fact that he was already halfway through she might as well let him finish, "I would like for you to report the next time you plan on undertaking similar projects, so that we can assertain the necessity of the exercise and the time investment we are willing to make on such endeavours," She made note of checking the project logs and Biv's contributions on her PADD, "we can only be an efficient unit if we work together and can trust each other to do our jobs, don't you agree Chief?"
The Andorian looked at Day and said, "With all due respect, Lieutenant, in my years of service I've found doing preventative maintenance during down times, like transit periods, can save time and maybe even lives when we're in emergency conditions." His tone hinted that the 'due respect' was merely hinted at...or a suggestion. "Just because the yard signs off on things doesn't necessarily mean they did a complete job. Just that they did what was on their work order. But, if you want to sign off that preventative maintenance like this isn't worth our times, have it your own way. I won't take responsibility for something I haven't checked. Sir."
"I want to make sure we are not doing redundant work, so if you could please provide me with a list of the preventative maintenance that you wish to do I will happily incorporate that in the work schedule at the appropriate time." Day looked at the duty roster for the day before adding, "because right now you were expected to run a level one diagnostic of the transporter systems, which..." she pointed at all of the transporter's innards on the floor, "I am guessing the system will not pass in its current state."
The transporter chief twitched visibly and looked around himself. "Ma'am. This IS a level one Diagnostic." His tone took on a pained quantity now, "I know you're a JG, but they had to have covered what a level one at the Academy. Or, did they skip that part...ma'am? I could go through the procedure with you......" The last was said scornfully, the Andorian's opinion clearly expressed.
"Chief, first of all I am a full Lieutenant and if you wish to address me by my rank I would ask you to do so correctly. Secondly I think you are well aware that the level 1 diagnostic ordered on the worksheet is primarily software-driven. It requires you to take the transporter system offline and visually inspect certain relays and operations. Not completely disassemble it, and would take no more than a couple of hours to complete," Day seemed unphased by his tone and insubordination, though it did register with her, she wasn't completely oblivious to social cues, "the work you're doing suggests a retrofit level of work which is normally left to the Engineering team."
After allowing for a moment to let that sink in Day then stepped forward towards the Andorian to assert her rank and station, "all that aside I feel like I should warn you. While I do not possess the social skills to pick up on all of your little jabs, sarcastic remarks and other insubordinate behaviour during the team meetings and in our other interactions, you should know that I am aware of them" She emphasised the 'am', "and that you are very close to be written up and officially reprimanded for your behaviour aboard this vessel," She paused for a beat, "It would, of course, be a pity if something like a personal grudge would be held against you for the rest of your service days in Starfleet. So I am allowing you a one time opportunity to air your grievances with me. Right here, right now, no consequences. After which I expect full compliance with my orders, and adherence to the work schedule. Any changes you feel should be made are run through me, is that clear?"
Biv's temper nearly got the better of him.
Instead, he straightened and regarded Day and said, "I am sorry the Lieutenant is unsatisfied with me, ma'am. I shall put this rig back together and adhere to posted work schedules." Biv fought to keep his tone even, but his eyes told another story.
"Finish what you were doing, there is no need to waste the time you have already invested in this endeavour." Day crossed her arms and looked at Biv, whose head was at about the height of her knee, "I will be walking away now, Chief, and the one time offer to air your grievances with me without repercussions will walk with me as I depart." She wanted to give him an opportunity to speak his mind without something holding him back, "So if there is anything you wish to say to me, I would advise you to do it now."
Biv grunted audibly from where he had bent back to his work and said, "Ma'am. All due respect, there's really nothing to say. You've made yourself clear. I'll get this work completed and the entire suite will be back online by tomorrow. Midmorning at the latest. As far as having permission in the here and now to speak freely, I don't think that's a good idea."
The tech moved enough to meet her eyes, and said "Was there anything else...Lieutenant?"
"That will be all, Chief, carry on." Day gave a nod and checked off one of the tasks on her list. She wasn't really sure that this had been the most productive conversation she'd had, nor did it probably help much in the way of engagement. There was something about Biv, she had tried to coax him to reveal it to her but he only seemed to shut down more. She had at least done what she could and felt a sense of relief wash over her. Checking off to-do lists was always nice.