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Working through lunch

Posted on Fri Jul 31st, 2020 @ 7:41pm by Commander Curtis Thibideaux & Lieutenant Ainsley Shaw & Lieutenant JG T'Pel

1,093 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Diplomacy by any means necessary.
Location: USS Valiant - The Nook
Timeline: MD002 12:00

Curtis semi-slumped in his seat, moodily poking at the remainder of the succotash that had came with the pork meatloaf sandwich Ainsley had brought him. It was all excellent, but he just hadn't had much of an appetite with prepping for the Valdivaeann mission and getting the ambassador settled.

A first officer's job was never done.

He took another bite from the sandwich, enjoying the contrasting taste of the loaf and popping, vinegary snap of the pickled mustard seeds that the chef had applied to both inner sides of the bun and heard Ainsley say his name. Looking up, he saw the Chef smiling toward him and gesturing toward Curtis's table to a black haired, brown eyed Vulcan female that Curtis didn't recognize straight off.

The first officer knew they'd picked up a handful of ratings and officers prior to leaving SB80. He'd browsed through most of their files but hadn't met all of them yet and for the life of him, he couldn't remember the Vulcan's name.

The blonde chef coaxed the woman forward and the XO put down the sandwich he'd bitten into and wiped at his mouth with a napkin. Noting the tray in her hands, Curtis's eyes flickered to Ainsley and she gave a nearly imperceptible nod toward the Vulcan and then a pointed look at the chair across from Curtis.

"Have a seat, Lieutenant," the first officer said, his mouth twisting into a smile. "I'm Commander Curtis Thibideaux, Valiant's first officer. I recognize the face from your file but I'm afraid I don't recall your name..."

T'Pel once again, refused the prepared food. Her regimen didn't allow what was the cafeteria food. She had t'marik rice and spiced lavendar tofu, "Thank you, Commander," she said to him and took her seat across from him setting her spoon and fork in equal distance from her bowl, "Lieutenant T'Pel, sir," she replied, "I came aboard on Starbase 80," she told him matter-of-factly taking a moment to meditate and then take her first bite carefully.

Curtis mentally sighed and nodded as he regarded the Vulcan. "Of course. Very nice to meet you T'Pel," he said. Then he cracked a grin, "I rather assumed you'd been assigned at SB80. If you'd been aboard before, I really should have noticed or security is lacking and you were stowed away someplace."

T'Pel chewed and then swallowed and raised an eyebrow at Curtis, "To board a vessel without permission or without orders is against Starfleet regulations. I can have my assignment orders provided to you, if you have not yet received them," she told him. "My prior assignment was Starbase 1. Prior to that I served twenty-six years with the Vulcan Expeditionary Fleet. Therefore as you say Commander, I could not have stowed away on board a vessel I had not heard of until a month ago."

"Indeed. Of course you might not want to admit to such a thing, though that wouldn't be logical," Curtis reasoned rhetorically. "But since the simplest of answers, generally, is the correct one we'll just assume you are who you say you are and I welcome you aboard, T'Pel. Are you settling in?"

"Vulcans do not lie, Commander,' she said to him, "I will ensure you receive a copy of my assignment orders," she reiterated and then took another bite of her meal, "My quarters are satisfactory for a vessel of this class," she replied to him, "As a former starship captain myself, one does not complain of the size of your room," she took a sip of her tea.

Curtis grinned openly. Having a Vulcan straight man again was going to be entertaining. "No use complaining, there's not much we can do about it anyway. Right now I'm sleeping in a hammock in one of the escape pod's while the Ambassador's aide take mine and Commander Ral's quarters, so it could be worse." Curtis took another bite of his sandwich and chewed thoughtfully, looking over the Vulcan.

After finishing the bite and requisite chewing, he asked. "And how's Operations form up? I know it's early days yet but first impressions say a lot."

T'Pel nodded, "Not unlike submariners in Earth's ancient World War 2. Many engineers would sleep in their engine rooms believing they needed to be with equipment night and day," she said to him, "I find Lieutenant Day to be a competent officer given her age, experience and unique perspective as an XB." She said matter of factly, "The Valiant is an aged design from a superfluous original mission of being a warship. In that extent, to manage starship operations is a unique challenge as if one was assigned to an Excelsior class vessel. I find it fascinating."

Curtis chuckled and leaned back in his chair, remarking. "That sounds like you're calling the Valiant a museum piece, T'Pell? Well, maybe that's why we've been regulated to chasing an Ambassador around the sector."

T'Pel took another bite and thought on his question, "Though not held to any regulation. The Constitution Class starship saw service well beyond it's design parameters. I would see no reason as to why a Defiant-class ship would not see the same...longevity," she said dabbing her lips with her napkin, "There is a certain nobility to Diplomatic service."

"All service is important...and appreciated," Curtis said as Ainsley came by with a top up of his cha'." He gave the cook a warm smile and she feigned a curtsey with her apron before moving on through the semi-crowded dining area, stopping here and there to check on various crew members.

"Valiant and her sisters were all made to be more escort ships," the XO continued, turning his glance from the cook back to his dining companion. "So, I would deem diplomacy more interesting service than escorting supply ships. Or even patrol work." I think, given the captain's background, we'll see some interesting things." Then he chuckled, "Though I probably won't be able to understand most of it."

"To that, what kind of goals do you have for yourself. What kind of things interest you, carrier development wise at least?" Curtis took a sip from his steaming mug and watched the Vulcan curiously.

"I have a variety of interests.. yet, my call to duty unfortunately must end this conversation prematurely," she said as her tray was eaten clean and wiped down, "With your permission of course, Commander," she said rising to her feet to stand at ease for dismissal.

"Post," Curtis said simply, going with T'Pel's formal request, "Have a good shift, T'Pel. We'll talk again."


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