What a way to run a Circus
Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 12:14am by Captain Tesha Froyce & Commander Rhupert Tyree
Edited on on Tue Nov 5th, 2024 @ 4:52pm
685 words; about a 3 minute read
Prelude to War
Location: USS Valiant, Captain's cubby
Timeline: Current
Sifting through information from the pirate ships, Rhu heard his comm panel chime and he glanced at the display. As the computer picked up his movement and verified his identity. “Priority one message,” the computer reported.
“Put it through,” Rhu said, setting the flimsy he’d been reading aside and he sat straighter as the visage of Captain Tesh Foyce regarding him.
“Afternoon, Rhu. How’s tricks?” Tesh asked, looking at the Betezoid. “You look tired.”
“I’m fine, Captain,” Rhu replied. “Been some long days. You know how it goes. This Pirate thing is harder to track than I thought. I think we’ve set a trap though. A couple of weeks and we should have some answers.”
“Good. But unfortunately I have another tasking for you, Commander. Right from the top.”
Rhu straightened at that. “Yes ma’am? What do you need Valiant to do?”
She smiled inwardly at that. She’d always liked his ready willingness. Tesh touched a control and info began crossing through the secure channel. “Priority One. The President wants Valiant to get to the Neutral Zone and find out thier intent.”
Rhu touched controls and another holo screen popped up, info began scrolling as he listened to the Captain.
“Species called the Trelan. Technically advanced. Information is sketchy. And so are they…,” Tesh remarked. “We’ve had contact with them before but they weren’t friendly and wanted to be let to themselves. So we let them, but Intel did a few sneak and peaks over the years and we’ve culled some data.”
Rhu waited patiently, knowing Tesh needed to get through her brief.
“Insular, militant monarchy,” Tesh half sighed. “Full of themselves and. Well you know.”
Rhu glanced at the reports. “Tall. Long lived… So, kinda like Vulcan’s with anger and superiority issues.”
“Right,” Tesh agreed, flashing a smile. “The intel is years old but there’s no reason to think they’ve changed. Now however, they’ve sort of reached out. We’ve picked up emission signatures along the Neutral Zone with their territory and they definitely have cloaking tech. A long range sensor station picked up strange readings, similar to other cloaking tech we’ve run into but different.”
“Of course,” Rhu grunted. “Records indicate they like battle wagons too. They over-compensating?”
Tesh shrugged. “Who knows. And that’s the point. The president isn’t happy with how the Diplomatic corp has been handling things lately so he’s decided to fact find this directly. “Get out there and investigate the signals. We’ll get you back to hunting pirates ASAP…but.”
Sighing, Rhu nodded. “Right. And if we happen upon one of these Trelon and they get talky?”
“You have full permissions to initiate contact on behalf of the President of the Federation,” Tesh told him with a gleam in her eye. “Don’t screw this up, Commander.”
“And if they decide to get prickly?” Rhu asked, feeling his teeth begin to itch.
“This is why we’re sending Valiant. A bigger ship might decided to stand and fight. You are to gather intel and get the hell out of there if things go pair shaped. Fire only if fired upon.”
Wincing, Rhu nodded. “Aye aye, Captain. You know, Diplomatic work isn’t exactly the work for a ship Valiant’s size. Look what happened last time.”
“Well, lets hope things go better than that. That modified shuttle bay is still modified, right?” Tesh asked.
“Yes, that shuttle is still there too,” Rhu reminded her.
“You’re keeping that so do what you need with it…but I’d keep it prettied up. You may need it. If things go well and you get a Trelon aboard…they’re too tall for most other parts of the ship so.”
“Aye aye,” Rhu responded again. “We’ll put on the show, Admiral.”
“I know you will, Rhu. Do this right.” Tesh said, and cancelled the link.
Scowling, Rhu began reading the brief she’d sent and shook his head.
“Hell of a way to run a circus,” he said to himself.