Prelude to War

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Things are happening. Well. Ok. Things are always happening. But I'm talking about bad things. Unexplained things. Usually Intel, Fleet, or someone can get a handle on why and eventually who is doing things. But that's not been the case lately.

Something is afoot.

Mission Group Chapter: Next
Start Date Sat Feb 19th, 2022 @ 9:06pm
End Date Thu Jan 23rd, 2025 @ 9:06pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Like Thunder and Lightning
by Lieutenant Jayden Meran
TBD Councillors Office
by Chief Petty Officer Biv Th'shrolneq
Evening of Get the Party Started. USS Valiant. Enginnering.
The New Assistant
by Lieutenant Amy Gordon & Lieutenant JG Prianka Tarik
CIO's Office
Get the Party Started (Part II)
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Katya Davi
One day after Initiis Novis Club Neverwinter, Empok Nor
Get the Party Started (Part I)
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Katya Davi & Lieutenant Jayden Meran & Lieutenant Amy Gordon
One day after Initiis Novis Club Neverwinter, Empok Nor
Swan For A Night
by Lieutenant Katya Davi
Promenade, Empok Nor
Dinner with the Captain?
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Lieutenant Amy Gordon
Before arriving at Empok Nor Captains Quarters, USS Valiant
Everything in it’s Right Place
by Commander Rhupert Tyree
The day after initiis novis The White Stag, Empok Nor.
initiis novis
by Commander Rhupert Tyree
One Month after Here there be Pirates Bridge, USS Valiant. Trivas System, Alpha Quadrant
by Lieutenant Amy Gordon & Commander Daynah Ral & Commander Rhupert Tyree & Ensign Parker Rapp
Two weeks after Here There Be Pirates Remote Site Gama, Vinderous III
Getting on with it.
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Jayden Meran & Ensign Parker Rapp
Prior to B&E Bridge, USS Valiant
Vinderous III
by Lieutenant Amy Gordon
TBD Penal Colony
Awry Ending /New Beginning
by Lieutenant Amy Gordon
Before the Valiant On an unpopulated planet
Face to Face
by Commander Daynah Ral & Commander Rhupert Tyree & Lieutenant Jayden Meran & Lieutenant Rianna Repatha Thibideaux & Ensign Parker Rapp
Two hours after First Contact. Shuttle Bay 3. USS Valiant
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Jayden Meran & Lieutenant Rianna Repatha Thibideaux & Ensign Parker Rapp
Ten days after Here there be Pirates. USS Valiant Fure System
First Contact
by T'Ryllia Ll'Shiaray'Neruil & Commander Daynah Ral & Commander Rhupert Tyree & Lieutenant Jayden Meran
Current Mira Sector Federation Border
What a way to run a Circus
by Captain Tesha Froyce & Commander Rhupert Tyree
Current USS Valiant, Captain's cubby
New Assignment
by T'Ryllia Ll'Shiaray'Neruil
TBA Trelan Homeworld - Taurus Dark Cloud
Doctor Doctor
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Lieutenant Kaitlynn Caine (Marshal)
Days before leaving Port. Sick bay, USS Valiant
Like it or Not
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Lieutenant Jayden Meran
Three Days before leaving Port. Captain's Quarters, USS Valiant
Tell me about Valiant
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Commander Natan O'Donnaghue
Two weeks before leaving port BDF Officer's club, Navaa Spaceport, Betazoid
You F*ck up you Move up.
by Commander Curtis Thibideaux & Commander Natan O'Donnaghue
Week before leaving port Captains Ready Room, USS Valiant.
Aftermath: Triage and Wounded
by Chief Petty Officer Tonag Jov & Lieutenant Kaitlynn Caine (Marshal) & Lieutenant Jayden Meran & Lieutenant Rianna Repatha Thibideaux & Ensign Parker Rapp & Lieutenant JG Tim Finley & Ensign Teza Barjel
Week 1 Mess Hall, USS Valiant
Aftermath: Boarding Action
by Lieutenant JG Mishka Ru'fallo & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Kaitlynn Caine (Marshal) & Lieutenant JG Resel Pos
Week 1 Raider
Here there be Pirates! (part 3)
by Commander Rhupert Tyree & Senior Chief Petty Officer Harriet Hastings & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Kaitlynn Caine (Marshal) & Lieutenant Rianna Repatha Thibideaux
Week 1 Djux IV Star System, Beta Quadrant

Mission Summary

The puppeteers are at it again. Pieces moving about the board half in shadow, occasionally coming to light where least expected and definitely not following any rules.

Someone needs to figure out what's going on.

That's a direct quote from the President.

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