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Aftermath: Boarding Action

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 9:06pm by Lieutenant JG Mishka Ru'fallo & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Kaitlynn Caine (Marshal) & Lieutenant JG Resel Pos

813 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prelude to War
Location: Raider
Timeline: Week 1

Mishka eased the shuttle Meren to wishing 1500 meters of the drifting Raider and looked over her shoulder at the boarding crew. "Should be good to go Commander. I'll maintain overwatch and stand by to lend assistance as needed."

Aboard the Raider Luger

Niev felt sick to her stomach as she hammered at the console with frustration.

She didn’t want to die. It hadn’t seemed real when she’d been forced to crew the Luger. But it had been an improvement in her life and she’d been able to convince herself that it would be good for her and her mate.

And now she faced death. She finally tore the offending panel off and saw the burned out circuit.

That would explain why the self destruct hadn’t went off. She yanked the panel off and then began working at hot wiring the system.

“You found it?” Lusaka asked her, his whiney voice muffled as he worked at the sensor controls, trying to get them back online. “Star Fleet isn’t going to leave us be for long…I was kinda hoping they’d just finish us..”

“Shut it,” Niev’s own muffled voice came back. “I’m working on it…I know what’s at stake.”

Daynah and her team materialized in the transporter beam. She raised her phaser and swept it from side to side. She nodded in the direction of the cockpit of the raider. Her plan was to take out the command crew first and then sweep the vessel. Her immediate impression was amazed. She was amazed that the ship was even still together after the beating it took. Maybe we should recruit their Engineer. Daynah thought.

Kaitlynn materialized with the rest of the away team, phaser in one hand tricorder in the other. Over her shoulder, she carried a pair of medical kits ready to help the away team or crew.

"Right lets get to work. We need to get this shuttle online to find out what they were up to. First search the ship and subdue and threats." Daynah ordered as she proceeded toward the cockpit.

"Aye sir." Resel said. "Search team, on me. Weapons on stun, I'm sure the brass will want information. Also watch your buddy's six. Alright, move it"

Wringing his hands, Luska hammered at the panel he was futily staring into, his fogged brain trying to decide where to start. "Why me, he moaned. Why does this always happen to me?"

Niev snorted as the balding man's words broke her concentration? "This is your fault? Glad to know who to blame and kick in the balls when I get the time."

"If we live," she finished after a few beats. "Now get your brain wired or we're dead."

Daynah continued to walk down the corridor as she swept the muzzle of her phaser rifle from side to side. She found it eerie that there had been no one to fight as of yet. However, she made sure to not let that get to her head. The steeliness of the memories of Captain Alaryc Ral came to the forefront and calmed her down for the moment.

"Other side of this door is four biosignals. Cant read if they are armed, two are down and injuried other two looks like working on something." Kaitlynn whispered to Daynah.

Daynah nodded silently in response to Kaitlynn. She shouldered her phaser rifle and indicated that everyone should do the same. In a ver soft whisper she spoke. "When I count to three open the door and the rest of us will rush in. We should get them by surprise. Watch for the injured." She held up her fingers 1-2-3 with a beat between each finger. When the doors opened she led the charge into the bridge. "Stop right there!"

Niev froze, feeling sweat drip down her cheeks as options ran through her head mind.

Luska groaned and his eyes bugged and with a desperate whimper hurled himself at the first Star Fleet officer coming through the hatch, "No! NOO! We can't let you!!!" He brought his fists up, his grey eyes half pleading.."

Partially because of the extensive training and partially because of reflex Daynah pulled the trigger and Luska fell to the floor stunned. She turned to Niev. "Freeze and tell us what the hell is going on." As she spoke she surveyed the area down the barrel of her rifle. "Secure the area it seems that it was only these two." She ordered to the rest of her team.

Hearing Luska's head bounce off the floor, Niev winced and brought her hands up turning slowly to meet Daynah's eyes as she said. "You should have just killed would have been less...Just everything."


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