
Get the Party Started (Part I)

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 7:40pm by Commander Rupert Tyree & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Katya Davi & Lieutenant Jayden Meran & Lieutenant Amy Gordon

1,678 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Prelude to War
Location: Club Neverwinter, Empok Nor
Timeline: One day after Initiis Novis

Rhu could hear the music thumping from twenty yards.

Hell, he could feel it in the deck as he got closer. He’d dressed in loose wrap tunic, trousers and well polished shoes for the evening. With space limited on Valiant, he had decided to dine his officers en-mass at one of the nightclubs aboard Empok Nor. From the indications he was getting from Valiant’s new bosses, they were going to need to know one another better.

Approaching the queue of patrons waiting to get in, he took in the setting. Club Neverwinter was in an area nearer the industrial part of the station than the habitat level, which might be just as well given the noise and sonic energy being given off. As people cycled through, he could hear the noise of the crowd too.

Rhu imagined that was part of the design too. Direct as much of that excitement and infectious fun toward the entrances to keep people at the doors. As he approached the entrance, he glanced about taking in the surrounding.

“Sub-Strategos? A purring voice said behind him and he turned to view a tallish, orange furred Kaitian. “Hi there,” the female said. “I”m Brie, welcome to Neverwinter’s. We have your space ready if you’re ready?”

Rhu nodded and followed Brie through the doors and into the crowd. Club Neverwinter was raucous with what Rhu estimated a hundred beings. The music roiled in waves as did the smell of food and beverages. Brie first led him down into a dancing pit, skirting the edge and then they were climbing steps. A circular staircase climbed the entirety of the cylinder shaped main area of Neverwinter’s. From what he could see, Rhu liked the place as he kept one eye on Brie and the other out for patrons who were moving about in various stages of inebriation.

Brie unchained a balcony area on the second level and ushered the sexy looking Betezoid Colonel into the VIP section he’d reserved. She hadn’t had a single clue of what a Strategos was, much less a Sub-Strategos. She knew he was a Star Fleet Commander too, but the Betezoid thing was much more exotic. Just the thing for Neverwinter’s. That’s why he’d gotten a good spot where everyone could see them and they could be seen.

She smiled brightly at the raven haired, officer and said, “Welcome again to Neverwinter’s. I understand you have guests coming. The balcony area here is backed by a bar and a more quiet area as well, for whatever you might need it.” She touched controls and luminous linen glowed in streamers along the wall, just chasing the shadows away. Rhu moved to a seat near the balcony, “Excellent. This is perfect Brie,” he said as he watched dancers changing out of small dancing before they were lofted into the air like some carnival ride. Near the top, he noted a view port that allowed an open view of space and the ships docked on Lower Pylon Three. The circular staircase wound all the way to that point and he could see people clustering about all up and down.

“Complements of Drillys,” Brie said, setting a bucket containing an elegant bottle of a blue fluid into a depression on the table. She filled a twisting glass the shape of a tulip for him. “D said he’d stop by later to check on you. Please enjoy the Romulan Ale.” Brie smiled at him, her fangs winking with embedded precious gems. Your server is setting up the appetizers and will be with you directly. Tonight Regis will be tending to you. Enjoy your stay!”

Brie then flounced from the balcony and headed downward toward her next task.

Glancing around, Rhu sipped at the Romulan Ale and noted the diminutive male with curly hair who was moving about in the kitchenette at the back of the place. Curiously, he noted their server, Regis, was barefoot. Shrugging, he turned his vision back to the crowd below and was glad that while loud, the music wouldn’t make conversation impossible.

Now all he had to do was wait.


Daynah had a rough time the past few days and was glad for the r&r on Empok Nor. The gathering at Neverwinters was a little out of left field. But, perhaps the Captain felt that some bonding was needed. She wore a red sundress which showed off her spots. Dayanah loved her spots and ever since becoming an XO she felt she looked good in red. As she made her way through the club she took note of the people and the music that played. It was quite the interesting place, not her usual cup of tea per se but it seemed like it would be fun.

Daynah was escorted up to the balcony where Tyree sat. "Skip... Seems like a hell of a place to meet up." She smiled and poured a glass of ale.

Rhu reached over and clinked his glass against Daynah's, murmuring, Skol. He drank, then leaned back and let his eyes roam over the crowd. "Daynah. Thanks for showing." He'd picked up on her fun attitude as she'd walked in and approached. "Nice dress. I think the crew can use a bit of unwinding and I also think we'll be seeing more of these sort of places going forward."

"XO has to lead by example..." Daynah added and sipped her ale. "I think you may be right. This crew has been pulled from all over the fleet. Perhaps it is time that they bonded and got to work. Besides you never know what we can get up to when there is no work to be done." The Trill woman gave a wink and a beguiling smile. She knew more than most that anything can happen, including couplings, when Starfleet let its hair down.

The beat of the music of Club Neverwinter, Amy could feel the rhythm of it in her ears and on her skin. She stepped inside, and couldn't help but move to the music, dancing her way through the crowd, the skirt of her purple halter top dress, swirling around her knees. Around her waist was a gold chain belt, upon her feet a pair of purple sandals with straps around her ankle. Upon her left wrist she had a gold bracelet. She made her way up the stairs, and slid into the chair on the other side of Rhu. "Love this place, definitely has a high energy level." she lifted her glass of ale in salute to Daynah and Rhu.

"You look great both of you!" grinning ear to ear then took a sip of her drink.

"Thanks! So do you..." Daynah replied with a smile. Now came the time that the Trill had to find the balance between XO and friend. The many facets of Ral began to talk in her head in an attempt to help her find her way.

"Thank you" Amy replied with a smile. She watched the floor below taking a sip of her drink, just savoring the taste of it. "Its been awhile since I've been to a place like this." Amy remarked after lowering her glass.

Jayden was a little procrastinating going to this night club. He has never been fun of crowded places and he would end up getting a headache in the process. Never the less, he decided to go anyways. He would see how long he could hold out. He just put on his jeans and a shirt. And was a little overwhelmed by everything that was going on at the club. As he got to the place where they were meeting, it seemed a bit more silent and he immediately got himself a drink. He immediately felt the alcohol go through his body like a wave after the first sip. This was going to be fun, he thought to himself as he greeted everyone already present. He nodded to them. "Commanders, lieutenant." As he then proceeded to find a chair to sit down on, while clutching to his drink.

Rhu was into his third drink before he felt attuned mentally to Neverwinter. He'd been watching the Collective, a Euphoria tank. It was monitored, prescribed and he didn't trust it all that much. But then, he was getting older...

Standing he looked at his officers and said, "I suppose it's time to try and fit in, anyone else for a dip?" With that he took up a pair of bracelets from the table top and slid them on. Immediately he could feel the thrumming music as he rolled up his sleeves and pulled on a pair of goggles. A shimmering field of sound surrounded his brain and he took two steps forward into the middle of Neverwinter's central open area. He was collected by an anti-grav beam that linked with other imbibers and a mass of people all became one with the music, streaming like a continuous waterfall all attuned to the music.

This actually intrigued Amy and she slid on a pair of bracelets as well. Next, she placed on the goggles.And the sensation almost knocked her off her feet. She reached out towards Rhu, feeling like she was a little off balance and didn't want to find herself floating upside down not just yet. "Care to help a girl out here?" Giving a grin.

Amy's voice was already fogged, but Rhu processed the feelings with more concentration than would normally be necessary. Grasping her hand, he felt the Pull them in. Through the strumming music, he could feel the others in the cloud and gradually began a dance that was more in his head than was physical, though he could feel the toll wearing at him. Glancing toward Amy, who was still clasped to him he asked, "Kinda..prickly feeling. You?"

(To be continued...)



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