
Seeing Tesh

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 7:17pm by Commander Rupert Tyree

1,294 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Foragers
Location: Emok Nor, Promenade
Timeline: Day After Get the Party Started

Sitting in a small pop-up cafe off bay twelve on Empok Nor’s promenade, Rhu sipped at the coffee he’d ordered as he waited. He’d received a cryptic message to be in this general area at a specific time and he would be met by persons Known to him. It was a fairly busy time of day, just before noon local time. He’d been up early, making sure he recovered from the previous nights excursion to Neverwinters, but other than being somewhat tired, he felt fine. No after effects from the sonic experience.

Dressed simply in tunic boots and trousers, his hair tied back in a border braid, Rhu glanced around the space, taking in the various beings going about their business. Various venders were hawking wares and he was watching a pair of fairly voluptuous Barjoran’s sway through the crowd, apparently shopping. He became aware of someone behind him and then felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see Captain Tesh Froyce kissed his cheek then slid into the chair across from him, elegantly turned out in a clingy red wrap and, of all things, a wide brimmed hat.

Rhu looked her over with a quirked eyebrow and said. “A hat, Tesh?”

She shushed at him and ordered more coffee for them both as the human waiter took their order and disappeared. “Of course. It’s seasonable on Earth right now and that’s where I’ve been,” she told him breezily as her own eyes took in the surrounds. How’s are things?

They made polite conversation for a few minutes. Tesh asking after his aunt Renee and he after her mother Sarah. Then she leaned forward and slid a data crystal to him. “Read on a closed net device. Your eyes only,” she smiled dramatically at him. “You’ll find an account code with operating funds that are at your discretion. No accounting required but I can’t guarantee when there’ll be more. There’s a brief in there and I’ll be within hailing distance for the next twelve hours if you need clarification.

Standing abruptly, she held out her hand and said, “Let’s walk.”

He stood, offering her his elbow and they began to parade the promenade. She rearranged her hat, pulling a gossamer veil over her face that would affectively block anyone trying to use a parabolic microphone to hear her words and block anyones attempt at old fashioned lip reading. “Mission parameter’s are all in that crystal, so don’t lose it though it’s keyed only to your bio signature. You’ll need transport, so be discreet but the how and what are up to you. Amy should be able to help you with most of the trade craft and we’re arranging a brief school for you in the near future to get your crew up to speed. The Pirate hunting went well. As did the data collection. President Turgenev is pleased with that operation, by the by. He looked good announcing Valiant’s engagement and Fleet intel was a bit put out that they were only peripherally involved.

Rhu shrugged lightly. He didn’t have a veil so he didn’t say anything but, “Thank you?”

She snickered slightly as she guided him around into the upper portions of the promenade area and they abruptly circled back as she led him to a small stall displaying and selling women’s fashion from Vulcan. All very modest, but she seemed interested in the silk. Rhu was at a loss but tried to keep up with the charade, idly watching their surrounds.

“You see anyone,” Tesh asked as she held up a bolt of translucent blue toward him.

He shook his head and said, “No. I think you’d look better with a slightly greener shade of the blue though. More in tune with your eyes.”

“You’re sweet. Horrible fashion sense, but sweet,” she told him with a bright smile and she nodded, turning back to the selections. “I didn’t see anything either and didn’t get a heads up from our overwatch, but it never hurts to be wary.”

Tesh spoke to the shop keeper, placing an order and handed over bundles of silk to Rhu to carry as they exited the stall and began their meander. “Right,” she continued. “We need to trace who’s running that Pirate ring and we think there’s more involved. Intelligence indicates a slavery ring and the President want’s that shut down post haste. Almost any means necessary, short of starting a war. There are comm codes in that data pack, but I can’t guarantee backup will be available. But it’s your job to get it done, Rhu. Report when you can via the encrypted comms. There’s a being delivered to Valiant’s stores marked food products that has encrypted comm equipment for whatever vessel you acquire. After that, acquire what you need as you can. Beg, borrow. Steal. Just don’t get caught on that last part.”

Rhu grunted and nodded and was letting his mind wander over the improbable scenario for the Master and Commander of a Federation starship.

He hadn’t noticed they’d entered a more secluded are below the main promenade deck until she pulled him close, leaning her back against a support pillar and pulled up her veil, giving him a roguish kiss as she pulled him close and he felt one of her toes tracing up his calf. “Any questions?”

Blinking and realizing she was covering his conversation with whatever anti eavesdropping gear she was using, he asked, “I guess not, if that brief is complete. I’m guessing if we get caught we’re…”

“On your own,” she confirmed. “The Federation will deny having any knowledge. Fleet certainly won’t. You and your people will be disavowed as having gone Rogue and it’ll be a long while before I can attempt any sort of aid.” She rubbed noses with him, keeping their clandestine show going and said, “Spread the currency out to your people. They’re putting it all on the line so make sure they know that. Involve only those key members of your crew that need to know. Valiant will be going to the yard for some modifications and that will cover the leave needed. Orders will be received day after tomorrow for that. Last chance at questions.”

Rhu thought, which was rather hard with her toes tracing his leg and her voice whispering in his ear. “Any agents in place or assets available?”

“Good question,” she murmured huskily in his ear. “There are some contact informations in that data. Message me once you boil down plans and I’ll get what I can for you. Now grab my ass.”

Blinking, he slowly did what she’d asked and she stepped back, slapping him soundly across the face. Curse words in four languages assaulted him and she snatched up her purchased silk and whirled away, walking with all attitude of a wronged woman. Rubbing at his jaw, Rhu watched her go then shook his head and made his way back toward the more habitat portions of the promenade. They’d been seen, he knew as a couple of snickers followed him. But he was equally sure those eyes most likely weren’t more than passers by and civilians.

Sighing, the data crystal in his boot now he made his way back toward Valiant where he could be assured his own cabin was secure. He needed to check in anyway and there were housekeeping chores to be taken care of.

And he needed a cold shower, despite the slap.



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