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It's Alive

Posted on Sun Aug 11th, 2019 @ 1:27am by Commander Curtis Thibideaux & Ensign Justin Flynn

568 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD02 15:00

Curtis walked though the Valiant's slightly crowded corridor to the ships medical suite and looked around. Catching site of the Valiant's new nurse, he said. "Hello, Ensign. I thought I'd check in on you and see how things were coming."

Justin was just finishing his stock take of the trauma kits when he heard the doors swish open, seeing the pips on the XO's collar, he quickly and diligently snapped to attention. "Hello, Commander, thank you for asking, things are going OK so far, right now i'm just getting things organised and making sure we are geared up for trauma patients.

Curtis cast an eye over the inventory and then at the Valiants head nurse and asked, a smile tracing over his lips. "Do you know something I don't, Ensign? It looks like we're ready for battle."

Justin saw, the smile on Curtis' lips and didn't whether he should be scared or happy "No Commander, My motto is hope fpr the best, prepare for the worst, and this is a defiant class vessel after all." Standing at ease, Justin said "Commander, Permission to speak freely?"

Curtis wandered over to a bio-bed and sat down on it, getting comfortable as he gestured. "By all means, Ensign. By all means."

Justin looked nervous for a moment, before sighing and saying "To be honest, sir, after arriving late and nearly missing the ship, I just want to try and put my best foot forward and live up to the expectations of you and the crew. I want to be the best nurse I can be and help as many people as possible"

Curtis cocked his head toward the nurse and nodded, "I wouldn't expect anything else. It would have been worse if you'd have missed the ship, but you're here now. No need to be afraid to say any of that. Is there something else bothering you?"

Smiling slightly, having got his worries off his chest, Justin said "Not at this point, Commander, thankfully the preparations to make sickbay battle ready are done, hopefully we won't need it."

The XO nodded and smiled easily. "That I wouldn't worry about so much. What might be more concerning for you is the fact we haven't been assigned a Chief medical officer or Doctor yet. For the time being, we have you Mr. Flynn. Then Curtis grinned, "That make things better?"

Smiling back, Justin said "To be honest, Commander I just assumed that Starfleet had that all in hand and yes, that does make it better. Is there anything else you need me to do for the upcoming mission?"

"Oh, don't do that. Fleet is a bureaucracy and that means they can mess almost anything up. They tend to really take care of the big ships, the rest of us have to watch them like hawks. As for what's upcoming, we just need you to take care of your department. Take care of us...and everything else will take care of itself."

Curtis stood up then and said, "I most likely am supposed to be doing something else, so I should go see what that might be. Enjoy your posting on the Valiant, Justin and if you need anything, my door is always open."

Justin stood up as well and said "Thank you commander, and thanks for listening"

Nodding, Curtis turned toward the exit. "My pleasure, Mr. Flynn. I'll leave you to your accounting."


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