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Time to step up

Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2020 @ 6:11am by Commander Curtis Thibideaux & Ensign Ovo Nohan

587 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Aftermath and Downtime
Location: Shuttle bay 1
Timeline: MD002 08:30 hrs

Curtis made his way down the last steps into the Valiant's main shuttle bay and looked around until he found the escort's cadet. Said cadet was working with one of the ship's chief's on what looked like maintenance to a shuttle. As he approached, both caught sight of him and the chief made eye contact, then nodded and left Curtis with Nohan.

"Mr. Nohan. What are you doing to my shuttlecraft?" The executive officer queried?

Nohan started upwards upon hearing the xos voice. Only he didn't take his surroundings into account. "Ouch!" He said upon colliding with nacelle face first. "Smooth move, dumbass." He said to himself as he turned to face the Commander

"J...just trying to keep busy, sir."

Curtis's eyebrow went up and he cast a glance toward Petty officer Jov's back, then refocused on the cadet. "What? You mean to tell me you don't know what you're doing?" Curtis made a show of stepping up to the access panel that had been removed from the shuttle and the exposed innards.

Fixing his gaze back upon Nohan, he said, "I'm going to have to have a word with the Petty Officer. He should have at least told you that he's a propulsion specialist and you two appear to be checking the calibrations on the impulse engines..."

"Y..yes sir." Nohan stammered. He was sweating bullets by this point.

Curtis shook his head and took pity. "Stand easy cadet. Though I will not expect an I don't know answer in the future, we'll let it pass today."

"Today, I am here to inform you that Valiant and the Captain need you to step up and save as Helms officer until Fleet see's fit to send us one. I will handle the overall department head duties, or most of them, but you will be the primary flight officer."

Turning fully to look the cadet over, he asked "Questions?"

"Sir. With respect the biggest thing I've ever flown is a type nine shuttle save for that battle I barely squeezed through. And now I'm flying the ship full time?"Nohan said

Curtis chose to hear the cadet's words as enthusiasm, and smiled broadly. "That's what I like to hear! Nothing like an eager, young mind all willing to learn and get up to speed based on the expectations of his senior officers. We're docked so you'll have plenty of time to get into the simulator program and get a feel for her. And that has the added bonus of making sure you don't get into any untoward mischief on the Star Base."

Nohan saluted reflexively. "Yes sir." He said.

"As you were, Mr. Nohan," Curtis said, trying to keep a smile off of his face. "Now, to alleviate some of your concerns, once you've worked through familiarization in the simulator's, you and I will get together and run through more difficult scenario's together. During active duty, there will be people to help if things get hairy. That being said, however, the Captain and I both have high expectation's for you. Do us proud."

"Tes sir! Er...I mean yes sir." Nohan said

Curtis regarded the cadet for a moment more before he turned away and headed for the hatch. Before he exited, he grinned and looked over his shoulder. "Oh, and make sure you brush up on you Navigational skills as well, Cadet. You know helm on Valiant covers both.

Then he was gone into the corridore.

Nohan wiped his brow.


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