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The Ambassador, Part 2

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:03am by Commander Curtis Thibideaux & Commander Natan O'Donnaghue & Commander Daynah Ral & Lieutenant Day Smith & Lieutenant Mackenzie 'Mac' Grayson & Lieutenant Tavana Kolan, Daughter of Kretorg & Ensign Lisa Creed & Lieutenant JG Rianna Repatha Thibideaux

2,374 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Aftermath and Downtime
Location: SB80 - Deck 980 - Reception Lounge 15
Timeline: MD004 20:15 hrs

There was a stir and and a small group of well dressed beings swept into the room. Curtis and Nathan automatically recognized Admiral (lower half) Leyhei as he chatted with a distinguished, tall and very thin human dressed in a well appointed suit. They were followed by the station’s executive officer, Lieutenant Commander Day and the station’s commander, Captain Ashley Rein.

Walking with them were a pair of women…twin Bolians in diplomatic Corp uniforms, a Tellarite male in ambassadorial robes and a eight legged, four armed insectoid with upright torso wearing a diplomatic corp dress uniform jacket and a monocle.

This procession made it’s way to the dais and Captain Rein stepped forward, pushing her red hair back as she said. “Gentle beings, if I could have your attention?”

Once the crowd quieted, she said “It is my, and Star Base 80’s honor to present our honored guests for this occasion. Now I’ll turn this over to Admiral Leyhei.” Looking over her shoulder, she smiled at Leyhei who stepped forward and nodded. “Right. I get to continue that honor by introducing Federation Representative T’vrik Needah, of the Valdivaeann. Representative Needah has been aboard SB80 just over eight months, bringing us the honored console of the Valdivadann’s and guiding us as we look to exploring more of the Typhon Expanse even as more of their people take an interest in the Federation, Star Fleet, the Beta Quadrant and beyond.”

With a disarming smile, the Admiral looked over the room and then at Needah and said, “Representative Needah?”

The insectoid nodded and moved forward easily, his eight legs working in tandem as the Admiral stepped back. “Yes. Happy the Valdivaeann be in joining with you all today in one big Federation, working toward the common goals and good of all.”

The Representative’s voice came out, clearly presented by the universal translator he clearly had in place as occasionally clicks of his mandibles could be heard behind the words.

“It is a trying time within the Expanse and there are those who do not approve of such, but we value our friendship and working relationship with the Federation. Which is why it’s now my pleasure to call forth Mr. Giles Telford.”

The tall, thin human stepped forth with an eager, pleased expression on his face and beamed at Needah as the Representative continued. “Mr. Giles Telford, the Valdivaeann people and government welcome you to our worlds and on behalf of Prime Leader T’nnae, recognize you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Valdivaenn people on behalf of the United Federation of Planets. Congratulations sir.”

As he finished speaking, the Valdivaeann pulled a medal from about his neck consisting of a central golden globe with multi colored facets about it’s surface. Easily reaching up, he placed the medal, hung by a silk ribbon, about now Ambassador Telford’s neck.

There was applause from the assembled room and Telford seemed to drink it in for a full thirty seconds, then as it died he stated. “Thank you Representative Needsahre, I accept the honor your people have granted me on behalf of the Federation and eagerly look forward to traveling to your worlds and continuing the close relationship between the Federation and Valdivaeanns.”

Smiling to the assembled crowd, he said “And thank you all for attending my investiture ceremony. I will be embarking within a few days aboard the USS Valiant, a sturdy, fine ship I have been assured and look forward to meeting her Captain.” Turning to Representative Needah, “Valiant is part of the Federation’s assurance to the Valdivadann’s that we will be there for your people in good times and bad.”

Representative Needah seemed to hesitated, then simply nodded and remained still as the Telford turned back to the crowd. “But that’s enough of the pomp and ceremony. Please enjoy yourselves. I look forward to meeting you all.” The ambassador's eyes met the Admiral's and he nodded. Then the salt and peppered haired human looked about the crowd and locked eyes with Natan. The Admiral touched his comm badge and spoke quietly.

A minute later, his aide was at Natan's side. "Captain, despite the Ambassador's words, he'd rather meet with you and answer your questions tomorrow and has scheduled a meeting. For tonight, he'd like you and your crew to enjoy the festivities."

Natan sighed and then nodded, "Of course, commander." He didn't really much say in all this, so he left it for what it was. "I will have the lounge prepared for the Ambassador. I am sure he would be delighted what we have to offer on the Valiant."

Bremen gave Natan a sympathetic look and nodded. "Of course, Captain. I understand Valiant has a cook? I'll send some notes to her which might help pave the way. Ambassador Telford likes his comforts."

Natan nodded. "I think the notes would help my cook greatly. Having to live and serve on board the Arlington so long, we always have a cook. The captain's brother is a very gifted cook. I think all ships in the fleet should have a cook."

"Personally, I couldn't agree more, sir," the aide confided, smiling. "Logistically, I'm not sure Fleet would. Still it does make sense moral wise, if the cook isn't a a tyro or a tyrant."

Natan grinned. "This is true. Of course. I envy my sisters as they work somewhere with the best chef in the Fleet. Or so they say. I haven't tried it of course. They say he is a Vulcan, but unlike any Vulcan you have seen. I would like to try that. Apparently he is adapt in many dishes but his French and Italian dishes are his specialty. But again that's what they told me."

"Sounds like it would be worth exploring," the brunette said, "And a definite moral builder for all parties."

Mac had been hard pressed to stay still as the insectoid representative had been speaking, she didn't like admitting certain things really got to her but that guy was very near to a personal nightmare in her opinion. She stayed quiet and watched from the side of the room hoping to stay out of his way for the moment, if he was going to be on the ship she was going to have to take time to prepare herself to interact without offending him.

Tavana nodded her head towards the speakers. "You see, the chess board is all shiny and the opening moves strategically polite," she remarked with a little smirk.

"That's how things always start, for the most part," Curtis agreed. "Until the ship's cat jumps the board and everything go flying."

Tavana laughed. "I think I like the cat. Who is the cat?" she asked.

"Right now, I think we're taking auditions," Curtis replied. "But one always seems to show up at some point. Can be good for moral...even if they tend to be stinkers. It's probably that way with Ambassadors, now that I think about it," Curtis said straight faced.

Tavana raised her hand. "I apply...." she said flashing a toothy grin. "Oh crap no...." the grin disappeared as fast as it appeared, replaced by a overly disappointed downward curl of her lips.. "I am to look after the Ambassador, probably protect him from cats... even if he is a stinker...." she said, whispering the last part. This was the first time since her crew disappeared that she laughed and felt a little like herself.

Valiant's first officer raised an eyebrow and asked, "So what part of the Ship's Cat position appeals most to you," Lieutenant?

"Causing everything to 'go flying' and still get away with it...?" Tavana answered with a toothy grin.

Rianna could not stay quiet, "Sturdy LITTLE ship? Ooooooo how could he say that about my lady Valiant?", she said loud enough for Curtis to hear her.

Curtis had started to take another sip of champaign when he heard Rianna as the engineering officer moved closer, "Well. If he's impressed by what little he knows about Valiant now, just think of his reaction to her Chief Engineer?" He said, with an innocent look on his face.

"Oh, and speaking of Chief Engineers, Rianna meet Valiant's newly assigned Diplomatic officer, Lieutenant Tavana Kolan, Daughter of Kretorg. Lieutenant Kolan, this is Lieutenant Rianna Repatha, Valiant's afore mentioned Chief engineer."

The mention of her full name didn't go unnoticed and Tavana glanced at the XO before turning her attention to another new crew mate. "Nice to meet you," Tavana said warmly, stretching out her hand.

Taking outstretched hand, Rianna shook it pleasantly, "Pleasure is all mine Lt.Kolan", Rianna said smilimg warmly.

Mac watched the insectoid Ambassador leaving the room and took the time to move away from the wall and start moving around the room again. It wasn't too long before she found herself near to Curtis and those around him, she hadn't spoken directly to any of the ladies yet and figured she should, "Commander, do you mind making introductions?" she asked with a cheeky grin as she regarded him and the ladies currently at his sides.

Tavana was still getting used her limited psionic senses being bombarded with so many different species, and had barricaded her mind as much as she could. She was vaguely aware of the very unusual presence of the medical officer, wondering if she was also part of her new crew.

"By all means," Curtis smiled as the Valiant's doctor found her way over. "Ladies, this is our ship's doctor, Lieutenant Mackenzie Grayson. If you lose enough money in poker to her, she'll let you call her Mac." The executive officer's grin widened as he continued, "Doctor, meet Valiant's newly appointed and anointed Chief Diplomat, Lieutenant Tavana Kolan, Daughter of Kretorg and our esteemed Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Rianna Repatha."

"A pleasure to meet you Doctor," Tavana said to the very friendly medical officer, in fact the most approachable one she had ever come across.

"Pleasure to meet you Doctor I'm sure", Rianna said smiling.

With the pomp and circumstance over Daynah was overjoyed with the prospect of simply enjoying the night. So often as a Starfleet officer that simply did not happen. She began to look about the room to see what kind of fun she could get into and with whom.

Meanwhile at the Bar Lisa Creed continued to look around the room, still not relaxing that much as she was still on edge what with the Ambassador still here she could not relax and enjoy the party, But until he had left then she was off duty but she had taken the responsibility whilst he was there, then it was her job to protect him.

Day joined the Chief of Security at the bar, "Evening Lieutenant, are you enjoying the party?" Before Lisa answered she reached and grabbed a drink, after the flute of champaign she had switched to something alcohol-free. She didn't really like the effects alcohol had on her, made it more difficult to apply the tenets of Vulcan philosophy.

"Evening Lieutenant," replied Lisa as she picked up her drink, she continued," Not really, as I am protecting the Ambassador," whilst she continued to watch over the crew and such as it was, she continued," Not while the Ambassador is here I can not relax," as she knew things could go pear-shaped at any given time. She finished, "are you enjoying the party?"

"I was having a conversation with a very enthusiastic individual earlier," Day looked around to see if she could still spot the junior officer, "It was pleasant enough." She looked to see if the Ambassador was still around, "Is there any way you can encourage the Ambassador to take their leave?"


Daynah had enjoyed the party, it was actually a bit more pleasant than most of the functions that she had been to. For the moment she was sitting at a table, nursing a mojito and watching the room. There were a lot of moments that she fancied herself a people watcher. Daynah always knew that you can learn a lot about people by simply watching them. Her main goal at the moment was to see if the Ambassador had left, as when they did she could. She wanted nothing more than her couch and her sweats at the moment. She spotted the Captain and decided to take the initiative. "Commander do you think the Ambassador is going to hit the hay any time soon."

Natan didn't have to read to her mind to understand she was aiming to leave the party as soon as she could. He smiled and looked at her a moment. "Well, Captain, if you wish to cut this evening short, don't let me stop you." He grinned. The rank was inappropriate given the hierarchy they were in. But the relationship with a joined Trill was a hard one. No one didn't really know where whether this was the host or one of the Symbionts previous hosts. And his experience was mainly with one of the previous host, being his captain. "This evening is now purely sociable. The Ambassador intends to brief us in full tomorrow."

Daynah could feel the brief swell of pride, and the feeling of chastisement coming from Ral. Natan had used Captain as a term of endearment for Alaryc which Ral liked. However, it was the memories of Alaryc that chastised at the moment. It was bad form to want to leave in a hurry. Daynah smiled to cover the internal embarrassment. "Well I believe it is I who should be calling you Captain. Is it just me or does the Ambassador seem a little odd."

"No," Natan said, "No it's not you. And that's saying a lot, considering my sister. I am sure Alaryc remembered Ambassador Talim Meran." A grin coming to his face.

Daynah's smile broadened as Ral allowed the memories of Natan's sister to flood Daynah's mind. "Of course she was a formidable woman. Make me wonder what she would say about our dear old visitor here."


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