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If it’s not one thing..

Posted on Wed Feb 10th, 2021 @ 1:16am by Commander Natan O'Donnaghue & Commander Curtis Thibideaux

1,045 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Diplomacy by any means necessary.
Location: Bridge, USS Valiant
Timeline: MD005 10:15 hrs

Commander Curtis Thibideaux scrubbed at his eyes and went through a mental check list as he cycled through Valiant’s status.

The ship was currently cruising at Warp 6, having entered Valdivae space five hours before. According to protocol, with a death aboard they were reporting to the nearest Federation/Starfleet post.

In this case, Oshivar, the Valdivae space dock where they would consult with the Valdivae authorities. They were currently eight hours out, pending any other mishaps.

With the death of Ambassador Telford, they’d went into lockdown with all non-essential crew members being confined to quarters. Day was in the brig, her initial interview having been completed. The rest of the department heads and essential crew were combing the ship looking for evidence. Curtis didn’t personally think Day had done it…but the evidence thus far wasn’t changing minds.

So far, he’d been pushing off comments to Command, the Federation Diplomatic Corp, and the Valdivae by telling all of them that it was too early to make a definitive answer but the pressure was going to continue.

Lots of people were unhappy over the events. He was roused out of his revelry as the Captain came on the bridge and he stood, vacating the command chair.

The ensign manning the operations console turned suddenly and said, “Command..oh, er.” She stalled as she caught sight of Nathan and amended her report, “Captain? Incoming message from Fleet Command. Admiral Manananock hailing us sir.”

Natan rubbed his eyes before he walked up to stand next to his chair. He hadn't slept that well, if at all. And he wasn't looking forward to this conversation with the admiral, but it had to be done. He then nodded to the ensign and said, "Put it through, Ensign. There is no use in putting this off."

The main screen changed from the forward star field to that of a stout, balding man in a slightly too small uniform with the rank insignia of a Vice Admiral. He was sitting at his desk and as the channel opened and he saw O'Donnaghue he said. "Ahh. Captain. Where do we stand on the situation?"

His eyes flicked toward Curtis then back to Nathan. "Your executive officer has been fairly quiet when asked for updates. Something about not having evidence? Based on the call's I've heard, you have a perpetrator?"

Natan sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Having diplomats talk behind his back to his superiors wasn't making his job easier. He had to be careful what he said next, mentioning something or even a word about Lieutenant Day could jeopardize his investigation and would probably not make his life easier and he would probably be ordered to have Day be judged, and in his eyes, just because she was there and had blood on her hands, doesn't mean she actually did it. It could very well mean she was just that at the wrong time in the wrong place. He had to handle this very delicately.

"Well, sir, I think that's the problem with hear say, you don't always get the correct information," He started with a warm smile. "We have a main suspect, certainly, but the evidence is of a nature that isn't sufficient to make any kinds of conclusions just yet, so I am continuing my investigation. I want to make sure we have the right person, the evidence is just too convenient to the case. Would you like me to call back when I made progress? I am still waiting for the coroners report and Operations and Securities as well."

The admiral regarded the Valiant crew and stated. "Telemetry tells us you're roughly eight hours out from dock, Captain. If you don't have some answers by then, the Valdivae authorities may try and take it away from you as members of the Federation, they may argue that you were within their space when it happened. Contact me when you're four hours out regardless and as soon as you do have something definitive. Star Fleet, out."

Curtis whistled slightly between his teeth and said, "The Valdivaen authorities? Great. That's all we need."

Natan waved Curtis' comment away. "Eight hours is more than enough. I have full confidence in our security team. And I am in charge of this investigation. I want every lead or finding shared with me immediately. Reports every hour. This is our top priority now: from here to our destination. I would also like the shuttle footage, records and logs from the last 48 hours. I would like to analyse those myself."

"Aye aye sir," Curtis responded automatically and rubbed the back of his neck absently. "Eight hours isn't a lot of time if she did this. If not, then there are only a couple of other options I see from my post. Either we have a stowaway or someone is framing Smith. I tend to believe it's one of the latter. However, with non-essential crew confined to quarters, I'd recommend we cover all basis. I have the department heads working individually to get us reports ASAP on the body, inspecting the shuttle bay and interviewing Smith. I'd like to get Hasty to start doing a complete search of Valiant to make sure we don't have anyone stowed away. I've run a few scans and sensor's aren't picking anything up, but to be thorough, I think it's a good idea."

Natan nodded. "I like the idea too, Curtis, get on it. I will talk to the lieutenant myself, if you don't mind." He then walked to the entrance of the bridge. "Oh, one more thing, keep an eye on those diplomats. I don't need them looking over our shoulder and going over my head."

"Aye aye, sir," Curtis responded. "We're under communications lockdown anyway, what with my interpretations of the Admiral's orders. The Ambassador's assistant is confined to quarters like the bulk of the crew, and under guard for her own protection. We're bottled up until you say otherwise."

Natan nodded. "Thank you, Curtis." He then walked to the bridge entrance, "I think I will check up on our investigators, you have the bridge, commander." He nodded to Curtis as he walked off the bridge to exit it.



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